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The preschool program reflects the Early Years Learning Framework.


Our programs are planned to provide opportunities for our children to extend on their learning interests. Their development needs and their strengths.


A different program is planned for each room, and each room has an age/stage appropriate routine. We incorporate a holistic approach in planning your child's learning.

Our program encompasses activities and experiences that support the learning and development of your child across all areas: cognitive, fine-motor, gross-motor, creative, social, STEM - science, technology, engineering and mathematics, music, language, self-help and school readiness activities throughout the day. Educators promote positive learning dispositions in children and explore interest areas through project work.


Children's well being is supported through our nurturing, caring interactions with children throughout the day. We encourage children to engage in co-operative and pro-social behaviour. We give children the opportunity to self-regulate their behaviours during play to develop their confidence and self-esteem.


Preschool educators are experienced in facilitating children's learning and development. Educators undertake daily observations in order to plan for individual and group learning. Educators view all children as "capable" and focus on what children can do, building on their individual strengths and interests.


Educators document and assess children's learning. This is shared on our OWNA app daily. This is a record of your child's learning whilst at Preschool. This includes learning stories, observations, photographs, work samples and Early Years Learning outcomes. 


Children receive an assessment of learning in Term 2 and Term 4. This gives educators and parents an opportunity to follow a child's developmental progress, understand the child's strengths, emerging skills and challenges.



Transition to school


When your child is ready to make the transition to school our educators are here to support you and your child. We encourage you to be involved with your child's visits to their new school and we attend some local schools as well. This creates a secure base for your child to explore their new school environment. We will provide you with information on starting school, what to expect, if your child is ready for school and how you can support their transition to school.

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